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Looking for scientific visual assets!

Making scientific visuals is very time consuming. Especially when you want to do it all by yourself.

So why don't we rely on pre-made assets?

My answer: Knowledge control.

On the one hand I love to learn to do things. On the other hand, how do I know that premade assets are scientifically accurate?

Now, let's be real, "loving to learn to do things" doesn't usually go with ¨loving to repeat the same task over and over¨. Once you know how to make a 3D pipette, you also know how to make a 3D vortex machine. It's just a matter of putting in the time to do it. Precious time you could use in more creative things if you just acquired the pre-made object.

And what about scientific accuracy? How many wrong brain models can we find in 3D asset stores?

For people working in scientific visualization we know how much time it takes to find and understand the right sources of information (aka scientific publications). Can we rely on other people's work?

That's why I have opened a curated Scientific Visuals Creation Library. It is a place to share links to digital files useful to create scientific visuals.

My mission is to speed up scientific visualization. Creators can search for assets with information on the scientific references used. Moreover, peer-reviewing is encouraged by the comment section.

Do you want to become a contributor, get exposure and help other creators?

Download the form at the bottom of or get in contact to discuss which type of assets you have that could speed up scientific visualization work.

Surprise me! it doesn't need to be 3D.


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