Simple Epithelial Cell Line Generator

Geometry nodes setup for Blender to generate a line of epithelial cells with a bezier curve.
Cell Number.
Width Randomness: Each cell can have slightly different width.
Width Randomness Seed: Change the number to generate a different cell width distribution.
Noise Displacement factor: How much cells deform from basic sounded squares shape.
Noise Displacement time factor: For animation, how fast cells change the previous parameter over time.
Cell-Cell separation.
Confined nuclei:
Nuclei Apical-Basal: Control nuclei positioning.
Nuclei radius: Note that the nuclei deform to not overgrow the cell shape. However, if you put a number that it is too large, artifacts may appear.
Cilia Render Switch: Note that visualizing and rendering many cilia may slow down your computer. You switch off the cilia visualization to speed up your workflow.
Cilia Density.
Cilia Length.
Cilia resolution: Axial resolution.
Cilia Radius.
Cilia Noise Scale: How much cilia differs from a straight line.
Cilia Time Factor: For animation. How fast cilia move.
Supported version Blender 3.5.0